The Chinese Academy Media Consent Form         亚省中文学校媒体报道同意书
If you do not return this form by October 14th, 2023, this indicates that you have given your consent for the below-mentioned sharing of your child's information.

When student information is shared in a way that makes the student publicly identifiable, the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) requires The Chinese Academy (TCA) to obtain parent consent. Sharing this information, for non-profit educational purposes, helps us celebrate the successes of our students with parents, the community and general public.

When you sign this form, you are agreeing that your child’s personal information (image, first name, first initial of surname, grade, school, samples of work) may be shared publicly by TCA. Some examples of how this
information may be shared are as follows:
当您签署此同意书,即表示您同意孩子的个人信息(图像,名字,姓氏的首字母缩写,年级,学校,作业样本)可以由TCA公开共享。 有关如何共享此信息的一些示例如下:
Public displays and presentations
TCA websites and social media (Facebook, Twitter and more)
Print and electronic publications that provide information about TCA initiatives or activities (brochures, invitations, reports, newsletters)
Lessons and student work may be digitally recorded as evidence for staff development or to demonstrate good professional practices. Parents or independent students are under no obligation to consent; it is their voluntary decision to do so.
可以将课堂教学和学生的作业进行电子记录,以作为教师专业发展的实例。 家长或独立(成年)学生没有义务同意,这是自愿决定。
You may withdraw your consent at any time by notifying the school via email:
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Email *
 Student English Last Name (Family Name) 学生英文姓 *
 Student English First Name (Legal Given Name) 学生英文名 *
Student Birthday 学生生日 *
Department 部门 *
Grade 年级 *
Morning or afternoon class? 上午或下午班 *
Parent's Name 家长姓名 *
Do you are agree that your child’s personal information (image, first name, first initial of surname, grade, school, samples of work) may be shared internally and in class by the teacher?     您是否同意老师可以在课堂上分享您孩子的个人信息(图像、名字、姓氏的首字母缩写、年级、学校、作业样本等)? *
Do you are agree that your child’s personal information (image, first name, first initial of surname, grade, school, samples of work) may be shared publicly by TCA?     您是否同意TCA可以公开分享您孩子的个人信息(图像、名字、姓氏的首字母缩写、年级、学校、作业样本等)? *
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