LetsBuild's BIM Module - Alpha Testers's Program participation request
Greetings, it is great to have you around here!

We are very happy to see that you are interested in walking with us during our BIM development stages at LetsBuild!

We have ambitious plans for LetsBuild's BIM Module. However, to break down these plans into meaningful features for our users, we decided to run a tester's program specifically for BIM-oriented content. We want to collect some general information about you and your organisation (mainly your role and the area of expertise of your organisation) to have a deeper understanding about our user's needs and how they vary from one user to another. You must know that your information will not be shared with external parties and will be used strictly within LetsBuild.

By default, we have a fixed amount of testers testing our current version of the BIM Module. We gradually increase the size of the testers group according to development needs and users requests. Therefore, our aim with this form is to define when is the most appropriate moment to approach you to expand on the discussion about LetsBuild BIM development plans and give you access to the Prototype BIM Module.

Thank you very much!
Email *
Which of the following functions suit your company/organisation? *
What is the size of your company/organisation? (Employee range) *
Where is your office based? *
At which phone/mobile number could we contact you, if needed? (Please include area code)
What is your role in your company/organisation? (e.g. BIM Coordinator, Project Manager, Design Coordinator, Site Manager, etc) *
Is there people already working with BIM in your organisation? *
If your previous answer was YES : Are there BIM-dedicated departments, divisions, teams or group of professionals in your company/organisation?
Which of these BIM uses would be more impactful for your organisation activities? (You can select more than 1) *
Which of our products do you (Or anyone in your company/organisation) currently use? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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