Day Shopping at Crucible Con 2024!
One day shopping passes cost $10 at the door,  but if you fill out this form before the day you are coming,  you can come shop for FREE!!!   (To shop Friday, fill out BEFORE Thursday at midnight, Shop Saturday, Fill out BEFORE Friday at midnight, etc...  )

The event is located at the Holiday Inn  21 Kingsbridge Rd , Piscataway NJ
We have some fantastic vendors!   (see below)
Vending hours are:
Friday : 4pm -10pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 10am - 3pm

Must be over 18 years old, and show government ID at the door.

Please note, your VENDING ONLY Day Pass,  only gets you into ...   you guessed it,  the vending room.  There MIGHT be Event or Party passes available, if the event is not sold out.   Please see the event web page for more information, closer to the date.  or better yet,  sign up for the whole event!!!!

Agreeable Agony
Bex/Chebuuri Earrings and Art 
Big Head Studios
Camp Crucible / CrucibleCon
Delicious Boutique
Joe the shoe guy
Leather by Danny
Lil Kink Boutique                                                                                                    
Love Lorn Lingerie
Of Spirit and Bone
Pain Land Toys
Reneé Masoomian Latex
Sinfully Naughty    Fetlife: Sinful-Naughty
The Dungeon store
Too Hot Candles                                                                                                
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(No means no, YES means YES!  Consent is not only Sexy, but required!!)
Which day do you plan to attend? (You may attend multiple days, but only ONE day is free) *
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