Scholarship Application
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Email *
(Seminars & Special Courses)
Please fill out this form to apply for a scholarship for seminars and special courses.
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Your Home Dojo *
Referred By:
What are you requesting a scholarship for? *
Date of seminar or course *
Circumstances: *
Please tell us what the financial circumstances are that prompted you to request a scholarship.
How much are you able to pay for this seminar/course *
Additional Message (Optional)
Please email supporting financial documentation to
A photo of your tax return main page is best. Otherwise, a recent pay stub may also suffice.
Thank you for your interest in our event! Your request will be reviewed at the next meeting of our Board of Directors and you will be notified of their decision.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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