Bird Friendly City Report Card
In order for your city or town to maintain its Bird Friendly City status with Nature Canada, a representative from each Bird Team must fill out the following Report Card to the best of their abilities. This helps to ensure that criteria are still being met. 

This Report Card is separate from the Certification renewal process and must be completed annually one-year post certification.

Please answer each question and add narrative where necessary to expand on thoughts and progress in each criteria section.

If you have any questions about the Report Card please contact: Autumn, Urban Nature Organizer at
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What Bird Team/City/Town are you representing? *
Mandatory Criteria 1: Has the size of your Bird Team changed? *
Please expand on your above answer:  *
Mandatory Criteria 2: Has your Bird Team invited relevant Indigenous Nation(s) in your community to be involved with Bird Team events? *
Please expand on your above answer: 
Mandatory Criteria 3: Has a Council resolution passed OR letter of support received from a high-ranking city official? *
Please expand and provide details to your response above regarding the level of Municipal support in your community. 
Mandatory Criteria 5: Please provide a link demonstrating that Bird Friendly City information can be found on your City website or your own domain.  *
The following questions will cover criteria 1.1-1.7.
Does your community have a no-roam bylaw or an educational campaign for the public to become aware of the negative impact of cats on local bird populations?  *
Please expand on your above answer above if you would like: 
Has your municipality developed and implemented measures to reduce window collisions through Bird Friendly Building Design/CSA? *
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Is there a Light Pollution Reduction Strategy in place in your municipality? *
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Does your municipality have a policy to reduce or eliminate non-essential pesticide use that directly or indirectly harms birds on public or private land? *
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Does your municipality support the reduction/banning of single-use plastics where possible? *
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Are there leash bylaws or no-go zones in key bird habitats/biodiversity hotspots? *
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Please expand on any other progress or thoughts you have in regard to the Threat Reduction section of the Bird Friendly City Certification. *
    The following questions will cover criteria 2.1-2.8.
Are Natural Areas present within municipal boundaries are protected within the Municipal Plan or otherwise?  *
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Does your Municipality have a strategy in place to protect biodiversity in parks and natural areas? *
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Does your Municipality have a climate change adaptation strategy which includes Nature-Based Climate Solutions? *
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Does your Municipality have a habitat management strategy based on ecological and climate considerations? *
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Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) is within or near your municipal boundaries? *
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Municipality promotes the importance of planting native local flora on municipal lands and new developments? *
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Is there a widespread community participation in at least one national or international initiative or local program that encourages increasing wildlife habitat on private land? *
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Has there been implementation of a stewardship plan to increase or improve breeding or stopover habitat for bird conservation priority species from your Bird Conservation Region Plan? *
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Please expand on any other progress or thoughts you have in regard to the Habitat Protection section of the Bird Friendly Certification.
These questions will cover criteria 3.1-3.10
You have held (and officially proclaimed) a World Migratory Bird Day event annually to celebrate birds in your municipality. *
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Educational materials and curriculum are implemented in local schools or educational organizations that include and promote outdoor and biodiversity conservation in marginalized and/or under-served communities? *
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If present in your community: Have local post-secondary campuses adopted practices that actively reduce threats to birds or establish habitat that benefits birds?  *
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Bird Team partners (including Municipality) provide public access to resources (web links, brochures etc) that encourage and inform the public of the benefit to birds from native plant gardening or establishment of natural habitat patches on their property. *
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Municipality and Bird Friendly City partners install demonstrations or displays in public areas that educate citizens on the benefits of Bird Friendly actions? *
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Accessible birding locations can be found in your community that can also be accessed via public transit? *
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eBird hot spots and Birding checklists are available for community use? *
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Do local businesses in your area promote Bird Friendly Practices? *
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There are active citizen science programs to monitor birds in your municipality including Christmas BirdCount, Swift Night Out, and MarshMonitoring, and Global Bird Rescue, which monitor birds on areas that include public land? *
Additional Comments:
Please expand on any other progress or thoughts you have in regard to the Community Outreach section of the Bird Friendly City Certification.
Approximately how many volunteer hours has your Bird Team contributed to this campaign over the past year?  *
Do you have any other general feedback/comments about Nature Canada's Bird Friendly City Program?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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