Marketing Needs Assessment Survey
Elevate Your Business in Just 3 Minutes: Take this survey to strategically enhance your business
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What best describes your current business status?
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How long have you been in business?

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What are your primary marketing challenges at the moment?


How do you currently perceive your market positioning and competition?

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Which of the following services are you most in need of to achieve your business goals?

What was your business's annual revenue before using our services/products?
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What is your current number of employees?

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What is your primary goal in seeking our services/products?

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How did you first hear about our company?

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Thank you for taking this survey to share more about your company background and marketing needs. 

NEXT STEP: Schedule time on Rachel Svoboda's Calendly to discuss your marketing needs further.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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