Questionnaire on Community Investment Options for Renewables in Ireland
This QUESTIONNAIRE aims to TEST A NUMBER OF OPTIONS for community participation in Renewable Energy.
The Questionnaire should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.  A number of slides explaining our research are available here at his link: 
Ireland's new policy on supporting the development of renewable energy (*RESS), obliges developers to offer part of new projects for community investment/ownership, and sets a defined rate for Community Benefit Funds. (Note: this does not affect the separate planning process for projects).
Do not forget to CLICK SUBMIT at the end.
THANK YOU! - from Tipperary Energy Agency ( and Energy4All
*RESS, or the Renewable Energy Support Scheme.

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1. In order of importance, RANK the reasons for involvement in, and ownership of renewable energy developments by the surrounding communities?
As a means of motivating communities to tackle Climate Change
As a means of developing local communities
As a private investment opportunity
To achieve energy independence and security of supply
To ensure that the local environment is not exploited for private benefit only
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2. What is your view of your community’s capacity/interest in taking an active role in participating in a local renewable energy development?
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3. If a renewable energy development (e.g. wind or solar) were to be built in your AREA, please RANK 1 to 4 what you would like your community's involvement with it to be?
Assuming its overall acceptability, planning permission, and availability of community energy supports to your locality
No involvement
An opportunity for secure investment by local residents
An asset for the community to help create benefit for current and future generations
An anchor enterprise in the community, helping it become more self-sufficient, and distributing profits for local benefit
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4. What level of participation/engagement would you or your community prefer with local commercial renewable projects?
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5. What type of return would you like from investing in a local renewable energy development?
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6. Ownership Model - please plot your preferences for ownership and participation in local renewable developments?
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7. Ownership Legal Structures - What is your preference for an ownership structure? Please read the summary below and plot your preferences (either Coop or PLC).
Three principal ownership structures were considered to work with the three ownership options recommended by our research. This part of the questionnaire seeks views on the coop and PLC structures. The private company structure was not deemed suitable because of a limit of 150 shareholders. THE COOPERATIVE MODEL HAS THESE FEATURES: •A trusted structure for community enterprise with sound values and principles that has been adopted for community energy projects all over the EU; •Flexibility on profit distribution, members democratically vote each year; •Share interest paid to members is a tax-deductible expense; •JV & RSA not considered as trading in the interest of its members; •Must deliver objectives that do more than pay a financial return to members.  THE PLC MODEL HAS THESE FEATURES: •Well known and understood legal form that is familiar to developers, banks and other stakeholders; •Flexible enough to be used for RSA and JV; •Can raise up to €8m Euros in share capital before a share offer has to be regulated; •No constraints on how profit is distributed, •Possible to adopt co-operative values and principles; •A PLC has to pay tax on dividends;
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8. Do you think there should be a minimum investment amount for individuals? If so, what?
9. What is your preference on the relationship between local and national investors?
A larger number of investors means greater community share, and potentially greater return to the local community. A minumum investment will be required to have a vialbe entity, e.g. 500,000
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10. Would you as an individual invest in a national investment fund/platform - either a private fund or a state-supported, member-controlled investment platform?
11. If such a national platform existed, would your community be willing to accept investment from the fund into your local windfarm alongside the community’s investments?
12.   How should profits from the Community Investment Options be distributed?
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13. Should there be subsidised/gift shares for local residents (e.g. 0-10km) without sufficient funds to invest in the local renewable energy development? Y/N
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14. If so, how should the cost of these subsidised/gift shares for local residents be covered?
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15. What other ways/mechanisms would encourage people, particularly those on low income, to participate in/own local renewable energy developments in their area?
16. What should be the separate Community Benefit Funds relation to a local Community Investment/Ownership energy company?
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17. Please share any final comments / feedback on the overall topic.
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