Enterprise Research Project Application
Arrowhead Center is excited to offer Enterprise Research Projects to small businesses (working in the food or agriculture space) in San Juan County, NM. Enterprise Research Projects are broad, and can include support for business plan development, marketing plans, economic analyses, etc. Arrowhead will work with each applicant to determine what kind of document/report is needed. 

Funding for these projects is provided through a grant from the Economic Development Administration. Please reach out to Dana Catron (dderego@nmsu.edu) with any questions. 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Business address *
Is your business designated as any of the following?
Please provide a brief description of your business. *
Please indicate what kind of document would help your business move forward: *
What outcome(s) would you like to achieve after receiving Arrowhead's support?  *
Funding for this program is provided by the Economic Development Administration. If you are selected for a project, are you willing to provide metrics (e.g. # employees, revenue, etc.) for reporting purposes (we will not share your data with anyone other than the EDA)?  *
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