Craft Night Vendor Application
VENDOR FEE: $20 non-refundable
Checks are made to 19WCA - Westside Farmers Market and are sent to 470 Rugby Avenue, Rochester, NY 14619.

Vendors must complete a "hold harmless" agreement with St. Monica Church. Signed agreements and vendor fees are due on Friday, July 21, for the August 6 event and Monday, August 28 for the September 10 event. Agreements and fees can also be completed at the market on Tuesdays. 

All vendor spaces have 10’ frontage. If you require more an additional space must be rented. Set up will begin at 3:00 PM. All vendors are expected to be ready to sell by 4:00 and stay until the close of market at 7:00 PM. 

Bring with you whatever you need. The market cannot supply tents, tables, or chairs. Spaces are limited. Qualifying artists will be assigned a space as applications come in. The market does not close for weather except for thunder. For additional comments, contact the Westside Farmers Market Contact: or stop by the info booth on market days.

All applicants must review and agree to the Rules and Regulations of the Westside Farmers Market.
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Artist/business name *
Contact person *
Business address (street, town, state, zip) *
Phone number *
Email address *
Web address
What do you plan to sell?  *
All products must be your own creation.
I have reviewed and agree to the Rules and Regulations of the Westside Farmers Market. *
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