Unlocking The Gift with Heath
Vocal Coaching sessions booking form
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Email *
Phone Number *
Name (First & Last) *
Age *
AltoVoice Part (If you don’t know that’s okay!) *
Are you interested in Vocal or Worship Coaching? *
Please rate yourself on where you believe you are vocally *
*Don’t beat yourself up this is just to help Heath know where to begin!
What are some areas you would like to grow in your gift?? *
Please select which day(s) and time(s) works best for you *
*exact times will be determined after submission with Heath
Which of the above options are your best two (2) time frames?
Choosing from the above options, which one do you want? *
*these prices are for the WHOLE month and cover and total of 4 sessions per month.
Please note these prices are for the WHOLE month and cover and total of 4 sessions per month. You will be able to choose to have one(1) session per week OR two(2) session per week, 2 weeks out of the month. A $75.00 dollar NON-refundable deposit is due after confirmation of booking to reserve your spot. The remaining balance will be due ON or BEFORE the first session. (This only applies to the first month. Each month after initial booking, full payment will be due ON or BEFORE first session of that month.


There are no refunds for canceled or missed sessions. You have the option to  reschedule your session no later than 2 hours before your original session time begins.

 If you schedule a session and you do not show up, you have forfeited this session and the option to reschedule. In this case, you will be short a session for the month or can purchase a make up session. If the cancellation is due to a conflict on Heath's end, you will have the option to either reschedule or receive a refund for that week. 

Please check the box below to confirm you have read and understand the above information
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