Cursed by Gold Book Box and Signed Copy Pre-Order Form
This is the pre-order form for Cursed by Gold!

Boxes and items in the boxes are on hand. The books are being individually ordered once the proof copy is delivered to me from the special edition printer. It will take around 45-60 days after your order is placed to receive your box because the printer is in the UK for the books and I live in the US. Books are being ordered the before the end of December. Fingers crossed the printing will be quicker.

This box and edition of the book is only available from this order form. The boxes sent for PR are slightly different with the items inside from what these ones are, but they are very similar. 

Free shipping is included for US orders. International orders please email to get pricing before placing the order. 

There are two sizes of book boxes that you can choose from as well as the option of getting a signed copy of the retail edition of the book. 

  • Foiled edition of this book both on the dust jacket and the case laminate under the dust jacket and sprayed edges.
  • Additional short story included only in the special edition. 
  • Art inside the book 
  • A recipe from the book itself printed in the book.
  • A tactile experience with page numbers including: 
  • Perfume
  • Candle
  • Crown 
  • Scarlet's Tattoo
  • Chaotic tarot reading 
  • Art 
  • Stickers  
  • Several surprises included in this big box that are still in the works
  • Double Custom Boxes including:
  • Red and gold custom box for the book itself
  • Black and gold big custom box for all of the items involved to fit in

  • Foiled edition of this book both on the dust jacket and the case laminate under the dust jacket and sprayed edges. 
  • Additional short story included only in the special edition.
  • Art inside the book 
  • A recipe from the book itself printed in the book.
  • A tactile experience with page numbers including: 
  • Chaotic tarot reading
  • Art
  • Stickers
  • Red and gold book box

  • Retail paperback edition of this book. 
  • Art inside the book 
  • A recipe from the book itself printed in the book.
  • A tactile experience with page numbers including: 
  • Perfume
  • Candle
  • Crown 
  • Scarlet's Tattoo
  • Chaotic tarot reading 
  • Art 
  • Stickers  
  • Several surprises included in this big box that are still in the works
  • Double Custom Boxes including:
  • Red and gold custom box for the book itself
  • Black and gold big custom box for all of the items involved to fit in

  • Retail paperback edition of this book. 
  • Art inside the book 
  • A recipe from the book itself printed in the book.
  • A tactile experience with page numbers including: 
  • Chaotic tarot reading
  • Art
  • Stickers
  • Red and gold book box

Signed copies are retail editions that are hand signed and come with an item or two of swag, but do not include the extra goodies that the other boxes do including the custom box. $22 is the paperback and $35 is the hardback.

***An unscented version of the big book box is available if you can't do the candle. The dollar amount is swapped out for a separate item for all things scented in the box to an item that no other boxes will be getting. Just leave an extra note requesting one of those instead.***

To order, please fill out the form below and pay the total of your order to with paypal. Then copy and paste the the transaction number into the form before you submit it. 

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me

***Chaotic Tarot readings are not real tarot readings. They are meant to give you a personalized experience to let you experience a moment in the book yourself with your own reading. It's meant in good fun.***
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