Future Educator Academy Application
Thank you for your interest in the Future Educator Academy which will be held July 21-27, 2024 on the Millersville University campus. Please complete the following application with detailed information where possible. For priority consideration, please apply by May 1, 2024. Space is limited. The Academy is intended for rising high school juniors, but other high school students may attend if space is available.
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Date: *
First and Last name *
Phone number *
Email *
Preferred Pronouns
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Family Contact Name *
Family Contact Phone number *
Family Contact Email *
What school do you attend? *
School Counselor *
What grade are you currently in? *
Anticipated High School graduation year? *
What are your hobbies, interests, or special talents?
Activities you are involved in at school?
What area of teaching are you interested in pursuing? (Elementary, Middle School*, High School*, etc. and content area) *
Why do you think you want to be an educator?Why do you want to attend this academy? How do you think it will help you grow as an educator? (200 word limit) *
Any questions? Contact Dr. Miriam Marguerita Gomez Witmer
Email: Miriam.Witmer@millersville.edu
Phone: 717-871-4167
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