Kingdom Flipper Playtest December 6th - 16th
Welcome to Kingdom Flipper's playtest application!

Thank you for checking out Kingdom Flipper and becoming a vital part of the community!

After submitting this form, the information will be reviewed by the developer BP and, if all the information was provided correctly, you should be able to participate in the closed playtest.

Join Our Discord! Don't forget to join the official Kingdom Flipper Discord for news, events and to report bugs and feedback. And of course to have fun with the community!

📺For Content Creators: Feel free to create content during the playtest! Please include a disclaimer that this is a test build and not the final version of the game.
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Steam Details
Please provide your Steam profile link. You can see it by clicking on your Steam profile and selecting View my profile.

This link should look like: ""
Discord alias
Please provide your username. Not the display name.
Captionless Image
Will you be able to participate in this Playtest between December 6th through December 16th?
How familiar are you with the Simulator genre?*
Not Familiar
Very Familiar
Please mark all the games you've played.
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