2017 College of Education Research Symposium Submission Form
Welcome to the second annual COE Research Symposium. It will be held on Thursday, March 30.
There will be research sessions and workshops at the symposium. This form is used to submit a proposal for the former. If you have two different projects and want to present both, please submit two separate forms.
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Presenter Name(s)
Presenter's Affiliation
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Lead Presenter's Email Address
Desired Presentation Format
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(ONLY IF choosing poster sessions)              Desired Presentation Time
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Title of Abstract
Abstract: 250-word maximum, please.
Deadline for Submissions: 11:59pm EST, Friday, March 3
If you have any question, please contact SAGE officers Vera Wei Ma and Brittney Castanheira at 2017coeresearchsymposium@gmail.com
Thank you!
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