Delco's Best Partner Application
Thank you for your interest in selling in the Delco's Best Marketplace. Please complete the entire application below to the best of your ability.  We will review your application and respond.  It may take us a couple of weeks as we work through the initial glut of applications.  Note that we are doing the best we can to select one vendor in each product area, but that sometimes product areas (for example, baking) may be split across multiple vendors due to each having different specialties.  That being said, we do not guarantee that you will be the only vendor with a specific product.  Completing this application does not guarantee that you will be able to sell on the marketplace, but it begins the vetting process. If you have questions during this application, please call Ben at 610-580-6656.
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Name *
First and last name
Please provide your complete home address *
Do you produce or assemble your products out of your home? *
If you do not produce or assemble your products, out of your home, please provide the complete street address of where you produce/assemble them.
Email *
Phone number *
How is your business organized? *
Do you have a separate bank account for your business? *
Are you willing to cross-market with Delco's Best and other Delco's Best vendors? *
Please provide a category for what you sell (ex. baking, jewelry, clothing) *
Please provide a list of your core products and their current retail prices *
How many products (total across all products) are you selling in an average month? *
Do you have the capacity to increase your current volume of products sold if you were to sell more?  (This is not a representation by Delco's Best of your future volume, just an attempt to understand your scalability.) *
How do you sell your products today? (Select all that apply) *
What is your goal in partnering with Delco's Best? *
Please make any additional comments or notes below.
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