BEAUTYCOUNTER Skincare & Cosmetics Questionnaire
This is the best and easiest way to figure out the skincare products and regimen for you to look and feel your best!  By answering the short list of questions below,  I can customize some simple recommendations based on any concerns you might be having. I am so excited to get you started!
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Email *
Name *
Untitled Title
Facial Skin Type *
Do you have any of the following facial concerns (check as many as apply)? *
If you have had a reaction to skincare products in the past, please tell me more about which product(s) you reacted to and what type of symptoms you experienced. *
What does your current facial skincare routine consist of? Please include the following information: product and brand name, time of day used (i.e. morning or night), list products in order of application. *
What is your favorite facial skincare product you simply can't live without? *
What is your ultimate facial skincare goal? Glowy skin? Less wrinkles? Less signs of aging? *
Tell me more about your use of sunscreen. Daily? Only when outside? Lotion, stick, or spray preference? SPF #? Face only or entire body or somewhere in between? *
Do you have any body skincare concerns? Need exfoliation? Dry skin? Eczema? *
If interested in cosmetics, please tell me a little bit about which products you currently use and would be interested in replacing with safer options. *
What is your favorite cosmetic product you simply can't live without and why? *
Describe your ideal cosmetic look. For example, do you tend to go lightly with a more natural look every day and dramatic at night/special occasions or are you using a dramatic makeup look for every day? Do you wear makeup during fitness/sports activities? Do you have a more vintage or edgy vibe? *
How frequently do you wear makeup? *
Tell me more about your use of cosmetic colors. Do you like a lot of color or tend to stay with neutrals? Do you like sheen/highlighting or matte? *
Would you be interested in makeup tutorials or is there a product you would love to learn how to use better? *
Miscellaneous Questions
Do you have a budget in mind? If so, what range would you like to stay in to get started? *
Please list any other concerns or question you might have. I am happy to support you any way that I can! *
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