Character Challenge Application 2022
Apply here to be considered for the Carrion Fields Character Challenge. Applications will be open from 6/14-6/21 and if you are chosen, characters will be assigned after 6/24. Please answer all questions honestly!
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What is your Discord Handle? *
Is Discord the best way to get in touch with you? *
If you answered no, please provide email
Rate your comfort with roleplay with 1 being prefers to spam skills than sit in Inn and 10 being exceptionally extroverted to the point of chatting up level 1 chars *
Do you want to be tasked with PK challenges? Yes will mean that part of your characters goals will involve pk. No will mean that your character's sheet will be strictly RP oriented. *
Using system game time for your time zone, what hours are you generally playing CF during? *
Approximately how many hours a week will you realistically play? *
Have you done a character challenge before? *
What types of characters are your favorites? List off classes, cabals, etc *
Do you want to be assigned a religion? *
Are there things you hate playing? *
Do you want to be pushed out of your comfort zone? *
If you are selected, do you agree that this will be your only character for the duration of the challenge? *
If you are not selected for a starring role, would you like to be assigned a periphery/secondary role? You would be given a brief assignment or role play characteristic and may be pulled in to quests as they get run. *
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