MBMS Band/Orchestra Used Concert Clothes
Use this form to sell/purchase used concert clothes. Submit two forms if you want to sell and also purchase.

Cadet Strings, String Orchestra, Cadet Band and Concert Band students use the same clothes:
Girls: White 3/4 sleeve blouse, black floor length skirt, black dress shoes (covered toes, no backless shoes)
Boys: White long sleeved buttoned dress shirt, black long dress pants, black long neck tie, black socks, black dress shoes

Chamber Orchestra, String Ensemble and Symphonic Band students use the same clothes:
Girls: Black long sleeve ankle length dress, black dress shoes (covered toes, no backless shoes)
Boys: White long sleeve buttoned dress shirt or tux shirt, black long dress pants or tux pants, black tux jacket, black bow tie, black socks, black dress shoes
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Group A Girl: White 3/4 sleeve blouse
Group A Girl: Black floor length skirt
Group B Girls: Black long sleeve ankle length dress
Parent First and Last Name *
Parent Email Address *
Parent Contact Number *
Looking to sell or purchase *
Select performance group *
Select items to sell/purchase *
Indicate sizes for items selected. If size is unknown, please indicate height/girth of child.      SAMPLE ANSWER: Blouse size 12, skirt size YM (4'10") *
List your price per item. Suggested price is 1/2 of original price paid.  If you want to donate it to anyone who can use the items, list it as no charge.  Transactions are done between parents; do not send clothes to school.  Once individual items have been bought/sold, please edit your entry to reflect what is still outstanding to be bought/sold.  Once the entire order has been bought/sold, please notify Denise Haslop via email (dhaslop@mbusd.org) and she will take off your listing.         SAMPLE ANSWER: Blouse $17, Skirt $15 *
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