Batavia, IL Food Pantry Shopping List
If you are a NEW Pantry client or do not have a current Pantry card, please call first to verify eligibility: 630-879-3784. All items on list are subject to availability; substitutions may be made if an item is unavailable. Pantry staff will contact you via phone or email to schedule a pick up time for your order. Pick ups will be scheduled during normal Pantry shopping hours (Tues 1-3pm, Weds 6:30-7:30pm, Thurs 6:30-7:30pm, Friday 10am-noon). Remember to put your order request in 24 hours before your desired pick-up day. This gives us time to pull your order and schedule pick up. Thank you!
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Name (First and Last - Be sure this is the name on your Pantry Card) *
Address (Street address, City) *
Phone Number (numbers only - do not include dashes) *
Desired Pick up day (Choose any/all that work for you) Form must be submitted 24 hours (one full day) prior to desired pick up
Email Address
Family Size *
Special Dietary Considerations (Gluten Free/Low Salt/Low Sugar, etc.)
Do you like spicy foods?
Do you allow substitutions? (We work hard to make sure the Online Order List is the same as what is on the shelf, but sometimes things run out quickly. Is it ok if we substitute for a like item if something selected is no longer available?)
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