2022 Wings Over Camarillo Application
The Wings Over Camarillo Demonstration gives teams the opportunity to share FIRST with the thousands of airshow attendees, practice driving, and experience the Wings Over Camarillo Airshow!!

When: Friday-Sunday August 19-21, 2022
Where: Camarillo Airport: 455 Aviation Dr, Camarillo, CA 93010
Cost: Teams will receive 10 free tickets to the Airshow with additional available for purchase at a discounted price.
Food: Breakfast, lunch, and small snacks will be provided to the 10 free members.
COVID Protocols: Review the WoC website for protocols: https://wingsovercamarillo.com/public-notice/

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at goldcoastroboticsalliance@gmail.com.
Email *
Main Mentor Contact Name *
Main Mentor Contact Email *
Main Mentor Phone Number *
FIRST Program *
Estimate how many team members (students and adults) will be attending *
How many robots will your team be bringing for our demonstration? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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