"The pseudo-secularism trekker Gurus have done so much of damage to Hinduism; they’ve damaged Hinduism much more other religious missionary militants and militant missionaries. I am all for practicing secularism in politics. In politics, religion should not mix. Maintain secularism in politics. How can you have secularism in spiritual organizations? Spiritual organizations should be completely based on authentic, true religious traditions! Pseudo Secularism in Spiritual organizations, I am really surprised, these Gurus and Gurujis, they steal all the knowledge from Hinduism! All the Kriya and Pranayama, everything they teach, yoga, everything is from the source of Hinduism! Then how they go on claiming they are a secular organization? What do they mean? It is like you swindle all your father’s property, but you will not use his name as your surname. Ungrateful fellows!I sit in these types of seats, wear these type of religious jewelries to show that I am not Pseudo Secular! I am rooted in Hindu tradition! I accept all religions, serve all religions and all traditions, but I’m rooted in Hindu tradition, Vedic tradition! I am grateful to the source from which I learned everything. These guys they will steal all the knowledge from Hindu the tradition and sell, make money, have name and fame, but will not water the root! It is like they will cut the branches of a Banyan tree and use the leaves, use the shade, use everything, but will not water the root so that the tree can be alive for the next generation. They will eat the coconut, use the coconut leaves, enjoy everything from the tree, but will not water the tree for the next generation to enjoy what they enjoyed! I tell you, the irresponsibility of the pseudo-gurus, corporate Gurus, has damaged Hinduism much more than other militant missionaries and missionary militants!These Gurus who don’t have parampara and have removed their Gurus’ photos from their Guru parampara list, and who don’t have any parampara, they are the dangers for Hinduism! And they go on criticizing Gurus with a parampara, tradition, sampradaaya!" - HDH