The Eight Fold Path: The Path for All Humans to Enlightenment - Quiz
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What is The Eight Fold Path? *
5 points
What are the eight steps of The Eight Fold Path? *
5 points
As long as you practice the first 5 steps of The Eight Fold Path, you can attain Enlightenment? *
5 points
All steps of The Eight Fold Path must be perfected for your entire life to attain Enlightenment? *
5 points
You should implement each step of The Eight Fold Path and do not move to the next step until you have mastered each step individually? *
5 points
It is helpful to have guidance and Teachers as you learn, grow, and implement The Eight Fold Path? *
5 points
What is “Right View”? *
5 points
What is “Right Intention”? *
5 points
What is “Right Speech”? *
5 points
What is “Right Speech”? *
5 points
What is “Right Action”? *
5 points
“Right Action” should? *
5 points
What is “Right Livelihood”? *
5 points
What is “Right Effort”? *
5 points
“Right Effort” should include?
5 points
What is “Right Mindfulness”? *
5 points
What is “Right Concentration”? *
5 points
I can attain Enlightenment as long as I do meditation everyday? *
5 points
What are the three (3) sections that group The Eight Fold Path? *
5 points
What are two (2) additional steps, described as The Ten Fold Path, practiced by those who have attained Enlightenment? *
5 points
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