2024-2025 Grand Maestro International Music Examinations (Application Form)

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Email *
Confirmation of Payment (Please include ORDER NUMBER provided on your payment receipt)  *Application will not be processed unless payment has been completed *
Date of application* *
First Name of Candidate* *
Last Name of Candidate* *
Name of parent or guardian (if candidate is a minor) *
Date of Birth of Candidate (Please ensure that you fill in the correct birth year) *
Email Address *
Alternative Email Address *
Phone number *
Alternative Phone number *
Home Address (Including Postal Code) *
Country *
Name of Music Teacher *
Email of Music Teacher *
Phone of Music Teacher *
Address of Music Teacher *
Country *
Examination Category to participate in *
Grade to participate   *
REPERTOIRE REQUIREMENTS  Three pieces required for Grade 1 to 7,   Four pieces required for Grade 8, 9 and 10 and Associate and Licentiate Piano Performance Diplomas, Five pieces are required for Fellowship Diploma *
Video Link Requirements
VIDEO LINK REQUIREMENTS - Only Youtube, Vimeo and Tudou links will be accepted. Make sure that the links are unlisted (not public). Submission of unopenable links (private links) or defect links will lead to disqualification. Please note that we do not accept any file downloads.
List A: Name of piece (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
Video Link for List A  (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
List B: Name of piece  (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
Video Link for List B  (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
List C: Name of piece  (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
Video Link for List C  (3 pieces required for Grades 1 to 7)  *
List D: Name of the piece (Only required for Grade 8, 9, 10, and for Associate and Licentiate Performance Diplomas)
Video Link for List D (Only required for Grade 8, 9, 10, and for Associate and Licentiate Performance Diplomas)
List E: Name of the piece (Only required for Fellowship Diploma)
Video Link for List E (Only required for Fellow Diploma)  
Video Link for Submission of Technical Requirements (Only required for Practical Examinations Grade 1 to 10 opting for Comprehensive Performance Certificate) - All technical requirements must be played by memory. All video links must be submitted within 30 days from the date of application. The test material will be provided to candidate 2 weeks after submission of application.
Language for comment sheet *
I have the following questions about my performance that I would like special comments and guidance from the jury (Limit to a maximum of 3 questions)
I acknowledge that all the information provided above is accurate and true. The submission of any false or incorrect information is subject to disqualification.  I fully acknowledge that all payments made are non-refundable.* *
Electronic Signature (Please type candidate's full name here as an authorized signature if candidate is 18 years of age for above. If the candidate is a minor, parental/guardian signature is mandatory). *
Untitled Title
Form updated on 18 August 2025
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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