TEI2020 Social Event (Update!!)
**UPDATE 3. Sunday, 9 February**
As pointed out in the mail, unfortunately we have to cancel the whole event. It's too dangerous to let you come to the Rocks in regard of the current weather situation. Hope you understand.

**UPDATE 2. Sunday, 9 February**
Unfortunately, we have to change plans again due to the heavy rain and thunderstorm expected in the afternoon. We therefore have to cancel the walk and would like you to ask to come directly to the Palisade Hotel at 5:30pm. Google-Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/aNPhyg6wvJHUsryJ6 We made a reservation for the Pub, if you can't find us, ask for reservation for "Marius".

**UPDATE. Saturday, 8 February**
Unfortunately, due to weather, we have made a slight change of plan.

We will now meet at 4:00pm under the shade in front of Wharf 3 at Circular Quay (https://goo.gl/maps/MHSymbD5TANAwdba9).

We have planned a shorter walk where we will take you past Customs House, the Museum of Contemporary Art, and Observatory Hill along the way to The Palisade Hotel, at Millers Point (http://hotelpalisade.com.au/). We will try avoiding staying outside as best as possible, but there will be still some walking distances, so please bring an umbrella with you 🙂

If you want to come directly to the Palisade Hotel, feel free to join us there from 5:30pm.


Join us and meet your fellow conference attendees for a Sunday afternoon city-stroll, ending at The Rocks for drinks and chats.

We will meet in Sydney’s Central Business District, at Martin Place, in front of the entrance to the MLC building  at 3:30pm. From there, we will walk to the Royal Botanic Gardens to visit Mrs Macquarie’s Chair to take a snap of Sydney's beautiful iconic harbour view of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge.

Then, we will head back into the city via the ferry wharves at Circular Quay and through "old Sydney" where we will have a chance to relax and chat over a drink at The Palisade Hotel at Millers Point by The Rocks.

Even if you are not able to join us for the city-stroll, please do join us for a drink at the pub. We will meet there at 5:30pm.

This a free event. You can purchase your own drinks and food.

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