2024-2025  Children's House, Early Childhood Program                                                             New Student Registration Form-Pre-school & Toddler
Completion and submission of this New Student Registration Form does not guarantee nor quantify placement. 

Please submit one form per child you wish to enroll. 

Please hit the submit button to initiate form acceptance. A successful submission will provide you a confirmation message.
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Email *
Child's Grade Placement - Your child must be specified age by August 31st, 2024 *
Child's Last Name *
Child's First Name *
Child's Date of Birth *
Child's Gender *
First Contact-Parent/Legal Guardian Name *
Relationship to enrollee *
1st Contact Phone Number *
1st Contact Mailing Address (Street Number, Street Name, City, Zip Code) *
2nd Contact-Parent/Legal Guardian Name
Relationship to Enrollee
2nd Contact Phone Number
2nd Contact Mailing Address (Street Number, Street Name, City, Zip Code)
Child resides with *
Does your child have previous daycare or preschool experience?  Please note the previous program below, enter N/A if not applicable *
Does your child have an IEP or IFSP in place?  Note:  Children's House does not discriminate based on any disability, gender, race, religion or individual need.  This question is solely included to accommodate for transition planning including welcoming your child into our program. *
Schedule preference-please note, preferences are not guaranteed.  All spaces are filled on a first come, first serve basis; noting your preference does not guarantee schedule placement. *
Our center is currently closed to students on Fridays, please help us to assess the need in our community.  Your input will assist our program in determining if the need and/or interest for an additional day services is great enough to amend our program offerings.  If offered at an additional fee, would your family be interested in enrolling for child care on Fridays? *
Our center does not offer before or after care hours, please help us to assess the need in our community.  Your input will assist our program in determining if the need and/or interest for an additional services is great enough to amend our program offerings.  If offered at an additional fee, would your family be interested in enrolling for before or after hours care? Check all that apply.
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the information contained herein.  Please check each box as you agree. *
Please hit the submit button to initiate form acceptance. A successful submission will provide you a confirmation message.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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