SPARK :: Dinner and Dialogue Interest Form

SPARK is a series about change and how it happens, sponsored by the Athena Center for Leadership at Barnard College. The theme for this year, 2024-2025, is transition


Join us for Dinner and Dialogue, a series of delicious dinners and quality conversations about topics that we don't often find ourselves having the right time, space, or conditions to discuss. 

Each dinner will take place at the NYC home of a Barnard alum and will bring together up to 5 students and 5 alums of different perspectives for a lively, facilitated conversation that we hope will leave you feeling like you have a better understanding of another point of view and like you're part of an amazing community - because you are. 

The next dinner will take place from 6:30-8:30 PM on Monday, September 30, on the Upper West Side

The topic: Voting.

Want to attend? Share your information below and we'll be in touch. 

Questions? Reach out to Lauren at 

Have an idea for a future dinner, or want to host one? Reach out to Umbreen at or drop that info in the form below. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name  *
Email *
Class Year *
Share a little about yourself. *
What do you want the other attendees to know about you? What's something that other people may not guess about you? 
Tell us about why you want to attend.  *
What interests you about this topic? What do you hope to take away from this conversation?
Do you have any dietary restrictions or allergies? *
Do you have any accessibility needs we should know about?
Which dinner are you interested in attending? Please note that by checking the box, you're confirming you're both interested and available. *
We'll be adding new dates all year.
Have you attended a Dinner and Dialogue previously?
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How did you hear about Dinner and Dialogue? *
What should we discuss at future dinners?
If you're an alum, would you like to host a future dinner? If so, and you can accommodate 10 people (it doesn't need to be fancy!), please tell us what neighborhood you live in and anything else you think we should know about your home.
Anything else you'd like to share?
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