Bert Hsu Academy Summer School + Camp Signup  徐大宏美中双文化学校暑期班+夏令营报名表
BHA's Summer School + Camp is open to K-8th grade students from any school. The program includes morning academics (math, English and Chinese) and afternoon activities (sports, culture and field trips). Students can continue to learn over the summer as well as have fun!

- 24 students in rising Kinder - 8th grade
- June 23 - August 8, 2025 (7 weeks)
- Monday to Friday
- 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
- Fee based After School until 6 pm
Drop-off & Pick-up Location:
- 450 Connecticut St., San Francisco
$395/week for full 7 weeks
$415/week for any 4 weeks (choose weeks when signing up)
$450/week for week-by-week (choose and make payment 2 weeks before starting)
After School Care:
- $100/week for full 7 weeks
- $105/week for any 4 weeks
- $115/week for week-by-week

徐大宏美中双文化学校的暑期班+夏令营开放给任何学校的 K-8 年级学生。该暑期班上午有数学、英语和中文课,下午有体育、文化和外出实践活动。 学生不仅能够继续学习,同时度过一个愉快的夏天。

- 24 名 将要上学前班至八年级的学生
- 2025 年 6 月 23 日至 8 月 8 日(7周)
- 周一至周五
- 上午 8:30 至下午 3:30
- 额外收费课后班到下午6:00点
- 旧金山市 450 Connecticut 街
- 全部七周,每周 $395,共 $2765
- 任意四周,每周 $415,报名时选择周期
- 随意一周,每周 $450,提前 两周报名及付款
- 全部七周,每周 $100
- 任意四周,每周 $105
- 随意一周,每周 $115
Email *
Parent/Guardian Name 家长/监护人姓名 *
Parent/Guardian Email (& WeChat) 家长/监护人电邮(和微信) *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone 家长/监护人手机 *
Student Name 学生姓名 *
Current School 目前学校 *
Student Grade in the FALL OF 2025 学生在2025年秋天的年级 *
How many weeks do you want your student to participate? 您希望学生参加几周的暑期班? *
If you chose 4 weeks, which 4 weeks? 如果选择四周,哪四周? *
If you chose week-by-weeks and know which week(s), please select below (at least one week) 如果选择随意一周并已经知道哪(几)周,请选择(至少一周): *
Do you need After School care? 您是否需要课后班? *
How did you hear about this program? 您从哪里听到这个项目? *
Comments to us 给我们留言
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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