2020 NCRRS Disciplinary Report
Referees, Please use this form to document disciplinary incidents that involve the violation of law 9 http://laws.worldrugby.org/?law=9.  Once submitted an email will be sent to the disciplinary chair(s) of the competition and will include a document that contains the information you provided.  Each citation should be a unique report.  DO NOT USE THE SAME REPORT FOR MULTIPLE CITATIONS.
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Referee's Name *
First and last name
Match date *
Referee's email *
Please use your pelicanrefs.com google account (firstnamelastname@pelicanrefs.com)
Match location
citation type *
Are you reporting an issue with a player or sideline abuse?  Please don't combine reports.  If there are 2 citations you will need to complete two reports.
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