Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth Faridabad
Registration for Certificate Course in Theology (September 21 to December 14 2023)
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Email *
Name *
Phone number (WhatsApp number) with country code *
Full Address with Pin code *
Parish and place *
Are you residing in India *
Name of your Bank (through which you are transacting) *
QR code : Scan to Pay
You can make the payment via upi or bank account via the details given below.
Kindly share the payment details of fee.
 Rs. 2500/- only (participants within India)
Rs. 3500/- only (rest of the world)

For those who are joining from India or using an Indian bank account while residing in another country.

Details of the Bank account: 
Account no.13810100034435
Bank: The Federal Bank Limited
Branch: Faridabad, Haryana
IFSC: FDRL0001381

*An important note for participants using foreign remittances (currencies other than Indian Rupee
Participants from outside India who need to use a non-Indian bank account may kindly contact us and then only proceed for payment. Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth needs to use a specially designated account for foreign remittance.

If you prefer upi or google pay please send to :

Or use the QR code to scan and pay!

If possible kindly share the screenshot of payment via WhatsApp to the number below.

Kindly clarify your doubts with us:
Transaction id number (Fee payment)  *
Please check the transaction ID that appears on the screen /acknowledgement after you have made the payment and kindly add it here.
Date of payment *
In case of any difficulty, please feel free to contact us at +91 97969391772 /9188186495
Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth Chapel
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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