TANG 2024 Staff Application
Mission Statement:
"For the youth to be enriched by a loving Taiwanese community, so they can obtain a stronger sense of self and passionately pursue their convictions."
NOTE:  To be considered for staff, you MUST be a FRESHMAN in college at minimum or at least 18.

Completing this application will help us match you to a position that will make the best use of your talents and interests for TANG's needs. The deadline for staff applications is April 15th, but the sooner you apply the better!  If you are unsure of your schedule at this time, we still encourage you to apply.  
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TANG will be from 7/2 - 7/7 at West Chester University in PA. This includes Staff Day which will start at 2 PM on July 2nd. It is important that you be able to make it on staff day.

For more information about TANG visit: https://www.tangeneration.org/about
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