Rate Truly, a 5-10-10-75™ CashFlow app & receive free downloads!  
Mobile App user feedback is essential to successful roll-out of every app on the market. We produce apps that promote financial, strategic, and safety preparedness for all ages. 

Truly 5-10-10-75™ (formerly CashFlow 5-10-10-75) is now in "Soft Launch" phase. We continue to need your feedback on user experience, for constant improvement.

Your purchase of our app creates opportunity and promotes innovation in the preparedness-driven economy.
In appreciation for completing our Feedback Form,  provide your email address to receive  PerennialLIFE™ News, an empowering new publication,  with exclusive FREE downloads, opportunities and more!  Available February 1, 2023


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Login Screen Graphical User Interface Question
1. Does the Login Screen look exactly like the screenshot below?

There should be no truncated or enlarged text, or vertical text. If so, please describe. 
Captionless Image
Home Screen Graphical User Interface Question
1. Does the Home Screen look exactly like the screenshot below?

There should be no truncated or enlarged text, or vertical text. If so, please describe. 
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Math Integrity Question when Adding Income
2.. Enter odd currency amount 41.43 .
Do the 5%, 10%, 10%, 75% allocations result in amounts 2.08, 4.14, 4.14, and 31.07 respectively?

Enter more odd currency amounts. If math errors are encountered, please describe.

CAVEAT: We didn't code the app to tolerate improperly entered currency, like "43.22.11" or "111,23.11" 

Math Integrity Question when Deducting Income
3. Deduct odd or even amounts such as 43.11 , 111.11 , 22.22

Do the balance registers automatically update for each 5%, 10%,10%, 75% total?
If math errors are encountered, please describe.

Transaction Logs Validation Question
4. When a Deduction is made, does your Transaction Log show the most recent deduction?

Known issue with the Deduct Buttons: 
On some phones you can't "light" click. You have to be "intentional" when clicking any Deduct button. If you click lightly or "non-committal" or 2 times rapidly, you may encounter an overwrite, of your latest entry,  resulting in a blank record being recorded! 

Deleting  a row or all rows in a Transaction Log doesn't reverse the math in the Total Balance or  Bucket Balances.  
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What type of Smartphone do you have?   *
Where did you hear about the Perennial Cash Flow 5-10-10-75™ App? *
What is your age range?
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PROVIDE EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW, if you wish to receive   PerennialLIFE™, our premier preparedness publication,  with exclusive opportunities, monthly giveaways, and more.  The link to PDF issue will be sent to you by email January 2023
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Please share any features you'd like to see in the Perennial Cash Flow app, in future versions.
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