Global Network of Women's Shelters: The Women's Helplines Project
Our dream is to create a respected global website that lists accurate, vetted, safe resources for victims of domestic and sexual violence in every country across the world. Easy to find for victims seeking for help. With this form we ask you to inform us about your existing and non-existing national women's helplines. With your information we create the base for further fundraising and organizing next steps to realise our dream.
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Country/Territory *
General contact information  of your organisation (address, phone number, e-mail, website) *
Your name and surname (will  not be public or posted) *
Email address (will not be public or posted) *
1. Does your country have a national helpline for victims of domestic violence? *
2. If yes, what is the name in English?
3. If yes, what is the name in local language?
4.  Please write down the telephone number of the national helpline for victims of domestic violence
5. Please write down the website of the national helpline for victims of domestic violence
5b  does the helpline offer help by chat, text or e-mail
Clear selection
6. Which organisation(s) is running the national helpline for victims of domestic violence?
7. Would you describe this organisation as safe and reliable for DV victims seeking help?
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8. If no, what are your concerns?
9. Does your country have a (separate) national helpline for victims of sexual violence? *
10. If yes, what is the name of the helpline in English?
11. If yes, what is the name of the helpline in local language?
12. Please write down the telephone number of the national helpline for victims of sexual violence
13. Please write down the website of the national helpline for victims of sexual violence
14. Which organisation is running the helpline for victims of sexual violence?
15. Would you describe this organisation as safe and reliable for SV victims seeking help?
Clear selection
16. If no, what are your concerns?
17. Is the national helpline free of charge?
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18. Is the national helpline available 24/7?
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19. Does the national helpline offer multilingual support?
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20. If yes, which languages?
21. If there is no national helpline: what is needed to create it?
22. If there is no national helpline:  would you like to take initiative / do you know who could take the initiative?
23. If there is no national helpline:  could a toolkit support your initiative?
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24. Is your organisation member of a local, national or regional network to end domestic and/or sexual violence? *
25. If yes, what is the name of the network(s) you belong to?
26. If your country has another important national women's helpline, please provide your information here (e.g. trafficking, fmg)
For further (future) contact and updating information, please give us 1 or 2 other names and e-mail addresses to reach out for (e.g. collegues) (will not be public or posted).  Thank you very much! *
If you want to add some suggestions or comments, or have any question to ask: please, feel free to do so or meet us at the GNWS booth on 4WCWS.
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