Questionnaire for Students who Want to Use Non-Policy Courses for Electives
Thank you for expressing an interest in taking courses outside of SPP to satisfy the Public Policy major elective (4+ courses totaling 12+ credits) requirement.

As a reminder, students who wish to remain general Policy majors and not declare a focus area may select four policy-related electives to round out their Policy major. These students have the option to choose from courses within the School of Public Policy (PLCY courses) or they may select electives from other schools/departments. If you wish to select electives outside of SPP, you must obtain approval from an academic advisor.

*** Please be sure you can justify how these courses are directly addressing public policy/administration (not just a social or cultural background course). ***

To obtain approval for electives outside of SPP, please fill out the form below and you will hear back from one of our academic advisors with approval or additional questions. Please email your assigned academic advisor with any questions.

*Please note that the University Policy states that only six credits (two courses) of overlap are permitted between courses from a minor that are being used towards your major.  

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Email *
Please list your full name *
Please list your UID *
Please list your class level (Freshman, Sophomore, etc.) *
Proposed courses that would fulfill elective requirements.  Please use both course number and course title. Ex: AASP101 - Public Policy and the Black Community *
Course description for each course (1-2 sentences each, like from Testudo) *
A brief description of how each course specifically addresses public policy. How did you learn about and/or engage with policy in this class (If you have already taken the course)? *
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