CWH Inquiry - Potential Guests
Thanks for your interest in being a guest on Conversations with a Wounded Healer. Typically, Sarah directly seeks out guests for the show. But from time to time, we get an excellent inquiry that's too good to pass up.
If you're interested in being part of that selection, please fill out the following form so our team can determine if you're a good fit for the show.
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What's your name and email? *
 What is your profession? *
Where can we hear/see an example of your public speaking? *
Please share your website and social media accounts *
Do you have a product/service/podcast/book you're intending to market to listeners? *
If you have something to market to our audience, what will that be? And what is the intended benefit for listeners? *
How does the term "wounded healer" apply to your work? *
Why are you a good fit for Conversations with a Wounded Healer? *
What do you hope listeners will get out of your interview with Sarah? *
This podcast focuses more on our own journey as healers rather than educating the audience (we find that education is a secondary benefit of our conversations). Are you comfortable with professional vulnerability and sharing parts of your own story? *
Are you adept at technology? (We use Squadcast as our virtual recording space. Technical requirements for guests include wired headphones - no bluetooth - and Google Chrome.) *
If you need technical assistance, do you have someone in your sphere that you can call on for support? *
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