Munnu's math
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Which thing brought Mannu ? *
1 point
How many flowers last strings? *
1 point
How many strings Munnu brought ? *
1 point
Munnu's mother told her to go to the ----- *
1 point
How many strings  Munnu brought? मुन्नुने   किती मला विकत आणल्या? *
1 point
how many flower in seven strings ? सात माळेत किती फुले आहेत ? *
1 point
total flower in ten strings ?दहा माळेत किती फुले *
1 point
Complete the sentence ( वाक्य पूर्ण करा): She brought....... strings and counted *
1 point
how many flowers in the last strings?शेवटच्या माळेत किती फुले होती? *
1 point
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