Next steps for Attribuild
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Dear Users,
For the last 3 years, we have provided the services on Attribuild for free.  We have been very encouraged by all the support and encouragement that the industry has shown us.  We have received many emails and calls from you to let us know how Attribuild has become a valuable tool in your search for the perfect home and also in your work in various capacity in the real estate industry.  

However, it has become increasingly difficult to provide this service for free and we are now pondering the next step for our App.  Before we embark on the next chapter of our journey, we would like to hear from you so that we know what we can do better in the next iteration.  

Please help us to do better by letting us know you honest opinions.

Thank you and we will see you soon.
Who are you? *
How often do you use Attribuild? *
Do you find Attribuild useful? *
Not useful
Very Useful
How did you find out about Attribuild *
Which features of Attribuild do you find useful *
Would you pay for the services in Attribuild? *
What is a reasonable amount you would pay to access Attribuild's floor plan analysis now? (in S$ per month) *
What other features would you like to see ?
Please leave your email so that we can update you of our next steps.  Thank you! *
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