Upcoming 2019 Bike Ambassador Events
Hi and thanks for volunteering as a Bike Ambassador! This is where you can sign up for Ambassador events/volunteer opportunities in and around DC.

If you cannot make it, you can always reach out to Renée at renee.moore@waba.org for suggestions. Thanks for being a Bike Ambassador and hope to see you soon!
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Which upcoming volunteer activities can you help with? *
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What do Bike Ambassadors do?
Bike Ambassadors are bike-loving, conversation-starting mobile information dispensers!

We encourage people to ride bikes in their daily lives and educate them about some of the ways to make biking easier, more fun, more accessible, and safer.

Types of events:
Volunteer events- We will pull the Bike Ambassador trailer and ride to other organizations that serve underserved communities to volunteer with them. Along the way we will pass out bike lights, maps and other info or talk with people about WABA's resources.

Tabling events - Often fairs or festivals where we'll set up a table full of info and invite people to talk with us. The goal at these events is to capture email addresses and give out as many maps as possible!

Volunteer rides/Coffee clubs - These are just for you, the volunteers! We'll get together and do something fun. Have an idea for a good event? Let Renée know at renee.moore@waba.org know about it!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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