Your opinion on Great Writers Inspire
We would love to know your experience using the Great Writers Inspire site today. This will help us to improve it to better meet everyone's needs.
כדי לשמור את הטיוטה אפשר להיכנס לחשבון Google. מידע נוסף
Which country are you visiting from today?
Why did you visit Great Writers Inspire today?
ניקוי הבחירה
Which subject are researching today, e.g. Shakespeare?
What's the main kind of resource you are using on the site today?
ניקוי הבחירה
Thinking about one resource you used - who was the presenter of the audio/video clip, or the author of the document? (it's OK if you don't know)
How useful was that clip or document to you?
not at all useful
highly useful
ניקוי הבחירה
The site's content is grouped into "themes". Are you aware what "theme" that clip or document lives under?  (it's OK if you don't know)
How did you find the Great Writers Inspire site?
ניקוי הבחירה
If you have additional comments, please feel free to write them here:
Thank you so much for your time today. It really is appreciated.
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ניקוי הטופס
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