Day On The Bay 2022 Feedback
Thank you for being a part of Day On The Bay 2022! We hope you had a wonderful time.

Please share feedback about your experience. Thank you for completing this survey. Contact us anytime at
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Attended Day On The Bay as...
Around what time did you arrive at Day On The Bay?
How did you get to Day On The Bay?
How did you hear about Day On The Bay?
[Select all that apply]
What activities did you do?
[Select all that apply]
What were your favorite activities?
[Select all that apply]
How likely are you to attend Day On The Bay 2023 or recommend the event to friends/family?
Probably Not
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What activities would you like to see at the next event? OR How may we improve next year's event?
Please share any additional feedback, concerns, or questions.
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