In which Trimester (16 weekly sessions) do you plan to teach? (You will need to renew your group with a new application each trimester you teach.) *
What is the subject (theme) you desire to teach during this trimester? (Be specific) *
Your answer
Please provide a “one sentence” description of your group for promotional purposes. (For Example: Is your group lecture-based, discussion oriented, video driven, a verse by verse study of a book, etc.) *
Your answer
What is the curriculum or Bible study teaching tool you will be using? *
Your answer
Where will your Cluster Group be meeting? *
If your group is meeting Off Campus, where will you be meeting? (Provide location name & street address.)
Your answer
What day of the week will your group meet? *
What time of the day will your group meet? *
What is your group type? (Select one) *
What are your special requests for the room? (Some requests may not be available.) *
Do you plan to renew your group next trimester? *
If you're not renewing your group next trimester, would you be willing to teach this subject again sometime in the future? *
List at least FIVE participants who have committed to this group (besides the Lead & Flex Teachers): *
Your answer
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