Cluster Group Leader's Application:              Second Baptist Church Arkadelphia, AR
Thank you for taking interest in leading a Cluster Group! What is a CLUSTER Group? Cluster Groups meet weekly and range from 5-15+ people. They are targeted to build up your spiritual knowledge through biblical instruction in Christian community. Multiple groups are offered based on subjects. Groups run for 16 weeks in a trimester format throughout the year. The three trimesters are Jan-Apr, May-Aug, and Sept-Dec. Some groups will renew or conclude each trimester, while new groups will start each trimester to keep options fresh for those who need change in their spiritual development. If you feel led to lead a group, please complete the information below and submit the form.
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Lead Teacher Name *
First and last name
Lead Teacher Email *
Lead Teacher Cell number *
Flex Teacher (Co-Teacher) Name *
First and last name
Flex Teacher Email *
Flex Teacher Cell number *
In which Trimester (16 weekly sessions) do you plan to teach? (You will need to renew your group with a new application each trimester you teach.) *
What is the subject (theme) you desire to teach during this trimester? (Be specific) *
Please provide a “one sentence” description of your group for promotional purposes.  (For Example: Is your group lecture-based, discussion oriented, video driven, a verse by verse study of a book, etc.)       *
What is the curriculum or Bible study teaching tool you will be using? *
Where will your Cluster Group be meeting? *
If your group is meeting Off Campus, where will you be meeting? (Provide location name & street address.)
What day of the week will your group meet? *
What time of the day will your group meet? *
What is your group type? (Select one) *
What are your special requests for the room? (Some requests may not be available.) *
Do you plan to renew your group next trimester? *
If you're not renewing your group next trimester, would you be willing to teach this subject again sometime in the future? *
List at least FIVE participants who have committed to this group (besides the Lead & Flex Teachers): *
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