Private Consultation Form / Formulaire de consultation privée
Table decor/ Tablescape Consultation
This briefing will help you list your main needs and challenges when setting and decorating your table and choose the service that suits you. With this information, I will be able to customize the consultation based on your answers so that you to get the best of it!
Kind regards

Carolina Aragão Safi
Hosting Table

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Email *
Name / Nom *
Phone number /Numéro de téléphone *
City, Country  / Ville, pays *
How did you find out about Hosting Table? / Comment avez-vous entendu parler de Hosting Table ? *
Enter the promo code, if you have one / Saisissez le code promo, si vous en avez un *
Tell me more about your routine at the table. How often do you set it up? / Racontez-moi plus sur vos habitutes autour de la table. Quelle fréquence la dressez-vous ? *
Your main challenges when setting the table and decorating it  / Quels sont vos plus grands défis lors que vous dresser votre table ? *
Which service would you like to have? / Quel service aimeriez-vous avoir? *
Clear selection
For In-Person service, please enter your address/ Pour les services en personne, SVP saisissez votre adresse  *
What do you expect to have as a result at the end of the mentoring? *
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