Food Trucks on the River Fall Edition: Friday, Sept 12 & Saturday, Sept 13, 2025
Celebrate Shelton is excited to present Food Trucks on the River Fall Edition taking place on Friday, September 12 from 5pm-10pm and  Saturday, Sept 13 from 11am-8pm (Rain Date is Sunday, Sept 14 from 11am-6pm) This TWO-day event attracts 4500+ guests with 15+ food trucks each day, live music, children's activities and more! We are working hard on a diverse menu that will offer something for everyone.

Date: Friday, Sept 12, 2025 from 5pm -10pm and Saturday Sept 13, 2025 from 11am-6pm
Rain Date: Sunday, Sept 14 from 11am - 6pm

Food Truck Fees:
Friday, Sept 12 ONLY: $220
Saturday, Sept 13 ONLY: $220
(Temp Health Permit is required from Naugatuck Valley Health Department.)

Please note: Trucks should be prepared and not sell out at least 1-2 hours before event ends. 

Handmade Artisan Fee:
Friday, Sept 12 ONLY: $75
Saturday, Sept 13 ONLY: $75

Non-Profit Fee: 
Friday, Sept 12 ONLY: $60
Saturday, Sept 13 ONLY: $60 

Commercial Vendor:  
Friday, September 12: $375
 Saturday, Sept 13: $375

Admission: $5 Suggested Donation to continue Celebrate Shelton's efforts and sustaining free events within our community. Use this form to apply as a food truck, commercial vendor, handmade artisan, or sampling vendor for Food Trucks on the River. 

Food Trucks on the River is located at:
38 Canal Street East, Shelton (Veteran's Memorial Park)
Shelton, CT 06484

Please fill out this form fully. Space for handmade artisans is 10x10. No generators (for non-food vendors please). Tents, tables and chairs are NOT provided.

Food Truck Vendors must acquire a temporary health permit  by the Naugatuck Valley Health Department no later than 3 weeks prior to the event. Yearly and seasonal permits are available as well.  Please call NVHD at 203-881-9925.

**Please note that we do not supply any generators. Proper disposal of oil and water from all food trucks is expected. A $500 fine per City of Shelton and notification to NVHD in any case resulting otherwise**

By filling out this form, you are letting us know you are interested and available. This is NOT a confirmation or guarantee of a space. We will approve within 2 weeks of form submission, but will invoice in January. Fees are non-refundable.

Questions? Please contact us at 
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What are you applying for? *
Email Contact *
Business Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Business Website *
Phone Number (Best to reach you) *
Please share your full menu or list of products below: (every menu item MUST be approved prior to event date) *
Business Facebook URL: (i.e., *
Business Instagram URL: (I.e.,
For Food Truck Vendors Only: What are the dimensions of your food truck?
***Food Trucks and Artisans***                                   Please email 3 high quality photographs of your products, truck and logo for marketing purposes. You will be juried based on the photos you provide here. (Email to *
Electronic Signature (Type Name Below) This signature also serves as your contract. Once invoice is paid, no refunds will be given.
Please contact us at with any questions. We look forward to celebrating Shelton and working alongside you to make this yet another incredible event!!
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