Event registration
Application: Hypercube Composition Lab #3: Virtual Workshop + Performance

Application deadline: September 20, 2021. Late applications will be waitlisted.

Sep 20 - applications DUE
Sep 27 - tuition payment DUE
Sep 29 - Concert 1 - Essence of Hypercube
Oct 3 - intro session + instrumental Q&A sessions
Oct 5-8 - individually scheduled composition lessons
Oct 15 - pieces DUE
Oct 16 - composer presentations
Oct 18-24 - individually scheduled composer rehearsals with Hypercube
Oct 29-30 - final concerts + professional development workshop + farewell

All group workshops and rehearsals will be held virtually over Zoom.
Concert 1 will be live, in-person + live-streamed.
The final 2 concerts of participant works will be a video premiere broadcast.
Composers will receive a complete audio/video recording of their work.

Applications are reviewed as they are received.
You will receive a confirmation within 5 business days.
Should you have any questions, please contact hypercubooking@gmail.com
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I. Contact Information
Full Name *
Pronouns *
Tell us your preferred pronouns (example: he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs)
Date of Birth *
Email *
Phone *
Mailing Address *
II. Background/Education
Are you currently an enrolled student? *
Highest Level of Completed / Current Education *
Current School / Last School Attended + Year *
If not applicable, type "N/A"
Area of Study / Concentration *
List: Music Teacher(s) + years of study *
Additional comments on educational experiences in music / music composition.
Provide further details on your musical journey, including background, interests and relationship to music.
Have you previously participated in a Hypercube Composition Lab? *
Provide further details on your musical journey, including background, interests and relationship to music.
III. References
Please list one reference, preferably an academic professor or music instructor.
Reference Full Name *
Relationship to Reference *
Reference Email *
Reference Phone *
IV. Work Samples
Please submit two scores plus recordings (MIDI is acceptable) that represent your best work.
SCORES: Please provide links to viewable or downloadable PDFs.
AUDIO:  Please provide links to streamable or downloadable files. For example, personal website, SoundCloud, Youtube, Dropbox/Google Drive link, ISSUU, etc. Ensure links are not password protected or expired.
Submission #1 *
Title, Date, Instrumentation/Ensemble, Link to Score, Link to Audio
Submission #2 *
Title, Date, Instrumentation/Ensemble, Link to Score, Link to Audio
V. Participation
Be brief but explain when necessary.
What ensemble size are you interested in composing for? *
If accepted, you will work with Hypercube to compose a new piece or rehearse a previously composed piece, for duo or quartet consisting of: saxophone, guitar, piano/accordion, percussion. Your concert piece should be submitted no later than Oct 15, 2021.
Which instruments would you prefer to compose for? *
In the order you prefer, please list two or four of the ensemble's instruments you would like to compose for: saxophone, guitar, piano/accordion, percussion. If you have no preference, assignments will be based on availability.
Do you have a preference for which composer you would like to have your private lesson with?
Hypercube composers are Erin Rogers & Jay Sorce. If you have a preference on who you have your lessons with, enter it here.
What are your ideas and/or concerns specific to writing for Hypercube? What do you hope to gain from the experience? *
This info will be used to personalize your instruction and experience. (500 characters max)
Do you have a piece already completed that you would like to use?
If so, please tell us about it. Provide a link if possible.
VI. Agreements
If accepted, I agree to meet the October 15, 11:59pm ET deadline for my concert piece. *
If your music is not received by the deadline (PDF's are acceptable), there is a chance that it may not be programmed. Pieces are also accepted sooner if available.
If accepted, I understand that my tuition fee is due by September 27, 11:59pm ET. *
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