Only official transcripts are available through City Charter High School. Each transcript has the signature of the Transition Manager and City Charter High School seal. If multiple transcripts are requested to a single address, they will be packaged together in one envelope. If you require forms attached to the transcripts you must bring in the form or fax it to the Transition Office.

All paper transcripts requested are processed within a week of the initial request.  Be mindful of this timing and do not request  transcripts to be sent in less than a weeks time as it will be mailed via the US Postal Service. Allow 5-7 days for receipt of the transcript.

All electronic transcripts are sent within a week of the initial request. 

Please be mindful of the City Charter High School Academic Calendar. Transcripts are not processed on Mondays during the week or during scheduled Holiday and school breaks in August, December, and April months.

Once an official transcript has been ordered, it cannot be cancelled.

In accordance with the Federal Privacy Rights of parents and students, the following signed consent is necessary in order for City High Charter School to release student records.
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Email *
Biographical Data
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Attendance at City High
Last year you attended (or graduated from) City Charter High School. *
Did you graduate from City Charter High School? *
Processing Details
AT THIS TIME, ALL TRANSCRIPT MUST BE SENT ELECTRONICALLY. When we are back in the building, then we will process physical transcripts.
Choose how you want your transcript sent. *
Be aware that we CANNOT send YOU your transcript ELECTRONICALLY. We CANNOT email your transcript or scan it to you.
I understand that I cannot have my transcript sent to me via email. *
Reason for transcript request. *
Name of college, scholarship, place of business.
Name of Institution *
Name of college, university, coach, scholarship, place of employment, etc where you want your transcript sent.
Type the FULL POSTAL ADDRESS  OR EMAIL ADDRESS for which you want this transcript sent.  (REQUIRED) *
This must have the FULL ADDRESS. You must submit separate forms in you need multiple transcripts.
Provide Additional Information: *
The undersigned hereby consents to allow City Charter High School to the release of all education records regarding the student (identifying data, birth date, academic work completed, level of achievement, grades, and attendance), letters of recommendation, and such other information as may be requested. *
I understand that my transcript can only be sent electronically during the Covid 19 Pandemic. *
Please provide the last address you resided while you attended CCHS. *
This is a way for us to validate your identity.
Signature *
By signing this form (typing your name), you agree that City Charter High School should send your full transcript to the institution you indicated. By signing this form you promise that you are the person represented.
Today's Date *
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