Dragoo One-Act Play Book Research
I have been saying for years that I want to write a book about the UIL One-Act Play Contest. Finally, I am beginning. This is my preliminary research. There may be more questions to come.  

Write as little or as much as you like. Please use names, dates, and schools as accurately as possible. When published, names might or might not be used; I would seek your permission first. Stories may need to be verified as well.

Please feel free to share this link with other directors and former directors.

Thank you for your time.  
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Please give me your full Name *
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Who was/were your mentor(s), and how do you sum up what (s)he meant to you?
How did your high school theatre director affect your life?
Tell me a story about how the UIL OAP Contest changed the life of one of your students.
What is the OAP that changed your life?
Of all the OAPs you’ve seen, which one(s) greatly affected you?  Why?
Of all the UIL productions on which you’ve worked, which one had the greatest effect on you?
What have you learned from the UIL OAP competition experience?
Please share a funny UIL OAP memory.
Please tell me any other story about UIL OAP that you would like to share.
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