Eskolta Youth Participatory Action Research Application 2023-24
By becoming a member of Eskolta’s 2023-24 youth participatory action research team, you will be able to gain research skills that are transferable to your everyday lived experience. 

If you are a NYC student that goes to school in the Bronx or an alumni and want to use your voice to make a difference in your community, please sign up and begin your journey towards making an impact!
Email *
There's a spot waiting for you! 
What is your name? *
What is your guardian's name? *
What is your guardian's contact? (email address ) *
What is your guardian's phone number?  *
How old are you?
What are your pronouns?
What grade level are you in?
Where do you go to school? If you are an alumni, please share the school you graduated from. 
What time do you get out of school? *
Do you take part in any afterschool activities? If so what day(s) of the week? *
If you could choose 3 words to describe yourself, what would those words be and why? *
What inspired you to apply to Eskolta's Youth Participatory Action Research Collective? *
How would you define research? *
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