Wine Industry Professional Training Application
The Wine Industry Professional Training program is designed to further technical grape and wine knowledge while creating awareness of potential career, entrepreneurial, and leadership opportunities in the wine industry. The training is specifically designed for current vineyard workers who have a desire to expand their opportunities in the wine industry. It is a non-credit training that serves as a potential pathway to credit programs throughout the state at institutions serving the wine industry. This training is a partnership between AHIVOY, Chemeketa Community College, Linfield University, and many Oregon wine industry partners.

AHIVOY is a non-profit organization with the mission to strengthen the Oregon wine community by empowering vineyard stewards through education. AHIVOY makes scholarships for the Wine Industry Professional Training possible through generous donations, fundraising events, and grants.

Please read the accompanying FAQ sheet (on AHIVOY website) and complete the following questions thoroughly to the best of your ability. Only complete applications will be considered.

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I confirm that I have read the FAQ sheet (on AHIVOY website) related to this application and the AHIVOY Wine Industry Professional Training.
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Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Contact Phone
Address (#, Street, City, Zip)
Contact Email
My first language is:
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I understand classes will be taught in English with Spanish support. Spanish support is offered through an instructional assistant who is bilingual and attends every class. Spanish support does not include translation of class materials.
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How long have you worked in the wine industry (# of years)?
What areas/topics in the wine industry interest you?
What questions do you have about the wine industry?
What is your current job position/title?
How long have you been in your current position?
Have you taken any courses or training related to vineyard management or winemaking? If so, please list the course/training and location.
Please rate your English reading proficiency on the scale below.
Not proficient, I do not read English.
Proficient/fluent, I read English with ease.
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Please rate your English speaking proficiency on the scale below.
Not proficient, I do not speak English.
Proficient/fluent, I speak English with ease.
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Why are you interested in participating in the Wine Industry Professional Training?
What are your goals? What do you hope to achieve and/or accomplish by participating in the Wine Industry Professional Training?
How did you learn about AHIVOY?
Is there anything else you would like to share or have considered with your application?
I understand that my employer needs to complete the Employer Support Form (on AHIVOY website) in order for my application to be considered.
I confirm that everything on this application is accurate to my knowledge. By submitting this application, I would like to be considered as a candidate for the AHIVOY Wine Industry Professional Training Program in 2023. I understand that if my application is accepted, I will receive a scholarship from AHIVOY to participate in the training. My scholarship covers tuition/fees and a weekly salary stipend. I agree to pay the $75 enrollment fee during the first week of class and understand that my enrollment fee will be fully refunded to me when I complete the program.
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