2023 August & Early September ODR Trip Registration
**Please read through the trip descriptions carefully and then fill out all applicable sections below. A programmer will then reach out to you shortly to collect any additional information and take payment. Please note your spot cannot be reserved until payment is received. 


Boulder 101
Do you want to learn the basics of climbing? How about learning to use body positioning to maximize your vertical reach on the rock wall? Our head route setter is here to ask any questions about bouldering and give you a spot as you work on your new project. 
  • Tuesday, August 1st from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Price: $7 (Boulder Lab day pass price) 
  • Age 10+
Rio Grande Paddleboarding (WAITLISTED)

Enjoy Albuquerque from the point of view of the Rio Grande! Stand Up Paddleboarding is a fantastic way to cool off on a hot summer day while enjoying a scenic ride down the flowing river in the middle of the desert. No matter your SUP experience, this trip is open to anyone looking for a morning floating in rhythm with nature. Transportation, paddleboarding gear and a guide are included. Pack your snacks and sunscreen and get ready for a fun day on the Rio!

  • Sunday, August 6th from 6:45am - 3:00pm
  • Price: $25 RecOn / $65 Regular
  • Age: 12+

Wine Tasting Tour

Start your weekend off with an evening of wine tasting as we visit two of Albuquerque’s family-owned wineries. Our first stop will be in the Old Town Square at Noisy Water Winery followed by Gruet Winery in Pleasant View. Both stops will include a flight of wine samples and charcuterie snacks. Additional glasses of wine and snacks are available for purchase at both locations. Transportation is provided by ODR, including front door drop off for those who live on base! Come on out and enjoy a fun and social night with us!

  • Friday, August 11th from 5:00 pm - 9:30 pm
  • Price:  $ 50 RecOn / $ 70 Regular
  • Age: 21+

Las Conchas Climbing Trip
For the more adventuring type, Outdoor Rec will also be heading up to the Cliffs of the Las Conchas to get some rock climbing in. No experience is necessary and we provide all the equipment. Joining us is one of the safest ways to experience outdoor climbing in the Land of Enchantment.   

  • Saturday, August 12th from 6:45 am to 3:00 pm  
  • Price: $20 RecOn / $60 Regular
  • Age: 10+ 
Hot Air Balloon Ride (WAITLIST)

Let Outdoor Recreation provide a bucket list opportunity with a hot air balloon ride with Rainbow Riders. We will float high above the skyline of Albuquerque and watch the sunrise and experience how the Sendia's got their name. The price includes transportation and a hot air balloon ride.

  • Sunday, August 13th from 4:30 am - 10:00 am
  • Price: $50 RecOn / $250 Reg 
  • Ages: 5+

Boulder 101

Do you want to learn the basics of climbing? How about learning to use body positioning to maximize your vertical reach on the rock wall? Our head route setter is here to ask any questions about bouldering and give you a spot as you work on your new project.

  • Tuesday, Aug 15th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Price: $7 (Boulder Lab day pass price) 
  • Age 10+

Sandia Mountain Adventure Hike

Escape the heat of the city for a few hours and enjoy the cool mountain air on this alpine hike. We’ll depart from the top of the Sandia's, trek along the crest of the mountain and enjoy abundant wildflowers and views all the way to the continental divide. This hike is rated as easy and is approximately 3.0 miles round trip with 150 feet of elevation gain. Your guide will cover techniques to help you safely hike in a mountain environment.

  • Saturday, August 19th from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
  • Price: $25 Regular (Includes transportation, trekking poles, and mountain guide.)
  • Age: 14+

Evening Horseback Ride (WAITLIST)

Join Outdoor Recreation as we trot through the cottonwoods near the Rio Grande River on the Santa Clara Pueblo land with the Stables at Tamaya. It is a perfect way to enjoy a Saturday evening in the summer. We will meet in front of the CORE building at 5:00 pm and return to base at about 9:00 pm. The price includes transportation and a 90 min horseback ride.

  • Saturday, August 26th from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Price: $25 RecOn / $100 Regular 
  • Ages 8+

Santa Fe Scenic Train Ride (WAITLIST)

New Mexico is known around the world for its beautiful landscapes. So why not take in those gorgeous views from the comfort of a beautifully restored passenger car! You and your family can enjoy amazing vistas while the Santa Fe Scenic train takes you out across the high desert to the views overlooking the Galisteo Basin. This tour includes live music and a Native American Dance performance featuring Avanyu Mountain Dance Group Buffalo Dancers.

*There will be a bar on the train to purchase snacks and drinks at an additional cost.

  • Sunday, August 27th from 11:45 pm - 6:00 pm
  • Price: $75 RecOn / $190 Regular
  • Ages: 8+

Kayak Roll Clinic

Take the first step in learning to whitewater kayak, or a great opportunity to brush up on your roll skills! An instructor will teach the basics of proper fitting, safe emergency exit, rescue/safety skills, and work through an eskimo roll progression. Completing this class will allow you to rent whitewater kayaks and participate in the on-river kayaking classes!

*Must come to get fitted for gear at least 24 hours before the class.

  • Tuesday, August 29th from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm 
  • Price: $10 with gear rental / Free with personal gear 
  • Ages: 12+


Guadalupe Mountains & Carlsbad Caverns Camping Trip (WAITLIST)

Have you ever wanted to see the 4 highest peaks in Texas? What about one of the largest cave systems in the United States? Join Outdoor Recreation as we camp at Pine Springs Campground in Guadalupe National Park. Friday we will drive down to the campground and set up camp. Saturday we will explore Guadalupe National Park. And Sunday we will drive to Carlsbad Caverns and explore the caves before driving home. The price includes camping gear, entrance into the park & caverns, transportation, camping food, and a guide. 

  • Friday, September 1st - Sunday, September 3rd from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm 
  • Price: $80 RecOn / $196 Regular 
  • Age: 14+
**There will be a mandatory camping orientation and gear check on Wednesday, August 30th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Outdoor Recreation (ODR). This will give you an opportunity to check out any gear that you need and to ask questions.

Wheeler Peak Backpacking

Have you always wanted to climb a big mountain? This is your chance. Wheeler Peak is New Mexico’s tallest peak at 13,161 feet. 

We’ll backpack approximately 2 miles to Williams Lake, a beautiful site at the base of the peak to camp for the evening with incredible views. Then we’ll get an early alpine start the following morning for a 2-3 hour push to the summit. This route passes a beautiful alpine lake, winds thru towering pines, and offers unforgettable views of the surrounding mountains. After enjoying a high-altitude lunch we’ll descend, break camp and head back to Albuquerque. This hike is rated as strenuous and is approximately 9 miles RT, with 3,000 feet of elevation gain. Participants should be in the very good physical condition and tolerate high elevation 

  • 9/2-9/3 ALL DAY BOTH DAYS 
  • Price: $70 RecOn / $165 Regular
  • Age: any age with parental involvement

**Both prices include backpack, headset, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, trekking poles

**There will be a mandatory backpacking orientation and gear check on Wednesday, August 30th from 4:30-6:00 p.m. at Outdoor Recreation (ODR).

Email *
Select which trip you are interested in registering for. Please note, you will have to submit a separate form for each individual trip.  *
Your Last Name *
Your First Name *
Your Email *
Your Phone Number *
What is your base affiliation?  *
For Active Duty & Dependents - what squadron are you/your sponsor affiliated with?
Do you have base access? *
Below you can add any additional sign up's to join you on this trip. This includes spouses, dependents, friends, etc. 

If you are registering a party larger than 4 people, please call our front desk at 505-846-1499 or email us at kirtland.oap@gmail.com to register. 

**If you do not have anyone else to add, you can leave these sections blank and skip down to the last three questions.
2nd Attendee's Last Name
2nd Attendee's First Name
2nd Attendee's Base Affiliation
Clear selection
3rd Attendee's Last Name
3rd Attendee's First Name
3rd Attendee's Base Affiliation
Clear selection
4th Attendee's Last Name
4th Attendee's First Name
4th Attendee's Base Affiliation
Clear selection
I understand OAP will retain a service fee of 10% of the total price of the trip. *
I understand the cancellation and refund policy:

- Payment in full is required at the time of reservation. 

- ODR will Retain a 10% fee for any cancellations made 3 days/72 hours prior to the start of the trip/program (Wednesday by 1400 hours prior to a weekend program). 

- ODR will retain all non-refundable deposits (e.g. hotel rooms, outfitter fees, etc.). 

- Refunds may be issued when a medical emergency or military TDY/PCS orders prohibit participation. A signed doctor’s note or signed orders must be presented to receive a refund in these cases. Participants that are “on-call” and miss the trip will not be refunded. “No Shows” are non-refundable and will not be rescheduled.

- All trips are subject to cancellation due to unsafe weather or conditions outside of our control. In this event, the trip will be rescheduled, or you may opt for a refund minus irretrievable deposits. In the case of cancellation due to insufficient participation, a full refund will be issued.
Here you can leave any notes or comments you would like our ODR programmer to know regarding your trip sign up. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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