KI Rabbinic Search Focus Groups
The Rabbinic Search Committee has been hard at work gathering feedback from the congregational survey and focus groups. Through these focus groups we are able to take a deeper dive into our hopes for the next rabbi and our vision of KI's future. These gatherings are an opportunity to make your voice heard! The committee is eager to hear from you and share more about the search process. Please sign up for a time slot now and contact a friend/congregant to do the same! We want to hear from you!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone # *
Please let us know when you are available to participate in a focus group. Pick all time slots that you are available and then someone will contact you to let you know when and where your focus group will take place.

If none of the dates work for you, please let us know at the end of this form.  Focus groups will be on Zoom. Each group will be limited to 15 people, and the meeting will take between 60 and 90 minutes.
Wednesday, November 3rd
Wednesday, November 3rd
Sunday, November 7th
Sunday, November 7th
None of the above dates/times work for me. Please contact me if other days/times become available. The best days/times for me are:
If you would like to attend the same focus group as other members, please list their name(s). We will do our best to accommodate this request, but please make sure that they choose the same time slot.
Thank you in advance for your participation. We look forward to your response.
If you have any questions, please contact
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