Feral 2022 Participation Survey
Feral Campers,

As you are already aware, given the cancellation of Feral! 2020 and Feral! 2021, the pandemic has changed much of the world around us. We’re hoping that we’ll never have to use the C-word again though today it’s going to require us to use the F-word, a favour. Quite possibly, the most important favour that we have ever asked of you: to complete a survey.

Here’s the context.

We are currently working with Camp Arowhon to see what is in store for our future as we begin the planning process for Feral! 2022. There are a couple of things that have changed:


Summer camps have suffered greatly due to COVID. For their 2020 season, Camp Arowhon had no revenue at all but still required year round maintenance, and admirably chose to keep their maintenance and kitchen staff employed. With government restrictions and Ontario Camping Association requirements designed to ensure the safety of all attendees and staff, they are operating nearly at a loss in the 2021 season.

As such, the rates that we're currently targeting for 2022 would be as follows:
Camper:    $575
Sponsor:   $625
Patron:      $700
*All prices are in CAD

Please note that these are the rates that we are aiming for, they may be a little higher or a little lower, but it will be around this price. As always, this price includes your registration, lodging, food, and event activities, as well as the benefits offered to Sponsors and Patrons. That has not changed.

That is, we must guarantee a certain number of attendees on site, and must therefore cover the cost of each registration that fall short, whether it's five, or fifty-five campers.

At our previous registration rates we were confident that we could hit the numbers that they are asking for, but since fees have increased significantly, its more difficult to know if we can agree to the terms. And if we cannot, we are unsure what number of campers we could comfortably guarantee.

In the past we have done our best to keep hard decisions like this behind closed doors so that you could enjoy your time at Feral! without worrying about these sorts of things. In this case, we find ourselves in a position where we need to reach out to you, the community, to ensure that we have the support we need.

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey.

~ Camp Feral! Staff
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I have attended Feral in the past *
I would be would be willing to attend Feral at the new registration price *
It is very likely that I will be attending Feral in 2022 *
If you are likely to attend in 2022, what registration level are you most likely to choose?
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